Profile PictureAlera21

Gabriel VRChat green dancing avatar (NSFW)

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Gabriel VRChat green dancing avatar (NSFW)

0 ratings

Behold, Gabriel, my brand new green rated vrchat dancing avatar. Like my previous avatar, they are mostly from scratch. They're a cute boi, or girl, or whatever, fully NSFW when the clothes are off. I included several customization options for the body, such as adjusting their ahem figure to go from femboy to hourglass and adding muscles. All clothing and demonic features are also toggle-able. I fully intend to dance wearing them, and will release any fixes that I make for any problems quickly. I did leave out a few extra bits that I could have included in order to keep him under green, but if you like additional toys on your avatars, you are of course free to add them. I'm very proud of myself of this avatar, I'm happy I could make another one.

  • Green rated, so everything is below the avatar limits for the green rating.
  • Polygons: 69,930

*v2 added normal maps, some clipping fixes, and a slider to change the hair color

Things I intend to do soon include, but are not limited to, adding a swap to MToon shaders, dps, possibly quest support, and additional textures. I may also make a lower rated version that includes more toys to play with inside the avatar.

Instructions: Import the latest sdk 3.0, then the latest version of poiyomi toon shader, then the avatar's unity package itself. There is a prefab for Gabriel in the root of the asset's folder, drag that into your scene.


-DO NOT make a public upload of it

-Do not share/redistribute any files or any assets, even if you've editted them

-You may use any assets from this in a personal capacity, but you may not use any of them commercially (with the exception of the head and male NSFW bits, since those came from someone else anyway).

-All sales are final

My links:

Discord: alera21


-Head: Godfall

-Male nsfw bits from Godfall's godprincess (godfall's rules allow for this):

-Locomotion: Wetcat, Peep, INYO, Gireison, etc

-Body, clothes, accessories by me, alera21

-Hai's Gesture combiner:

-Avatars 3.0 manager: VRLabs

-Blender, Unity, and Substance Painter

-Name suggestion came from my dearest partner, ask me about him maybe (he's super cute)?

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1 unity package for Gabriel

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